Provincie Limburg (Governance of Maas), Maastricht
Davet esnasında Bayan Limburg'un üç kızının tartışmakta olduğu gözden kaçmadı. Herkes ne olduğunu merak etse de, en küçük kardeşin bile neler olduğunu anladığı şüpheliydi. Bir kısım davetli tartışmanın miras konulu olduğunu iddia ederken, bir diğer kısım ailenin ortanca kardeşin yeni damat adayını onaylamadığını söylüyordu. Dedikodusever davetlilerden, kardeşler arasında paylaşılamayan bir erkek olduğu bile duyuluyordu. Kardeşler ise, neler olduğunu anlamak için yanlarına yaklaşıldığında susuyor, sağa sola sinirli bakışlar atıyor ve dudaklarını sıkıca büzerek on yıl sonrasının botoksuna yatırım yapıyorlardı.
Everyone was aware that three daughters of Mrs. Limburg were having an argument. The curiosity about the reason of this argument was quite strong among guests, but probably even the youngest sister did not understand the actual cause. Some guests were arguing that the subject was the heritage, and some others were saying that a new -possible- groom was not approved in the family. Gossiplovers were even claiming that there was a love triangle among two sisters and a man. On the other hand, the sisters were silent when someone got closer in order to understand what was happening. They were looking around nervously and pursing their lips; investing for their future botox.
Everyone was aware that three daughters of Mrs. Limburg were having an argument. The curiosity about the reason of this argument was quite strong among guests, but probably even the youngest sister did not understand the actual cause. Some guests were arguing that the subject was the heritage, and some others were saying that a new -possible- groom was not approved in the family. Gossiplovers were even claiming that there was a love triangle among two sisters and a man. On the other hand, the sisters were silent when someone got closer in order to understand what was happening. They were looking around nervously and pursing their lips; investing for their future botox.