Diğer blogda bahsettim, ama burada da bulunsun, Şehrin Etekleri şu ya da bu şekilde Bonnafanten Müzesi'nde sergilendi. Aşağıda da resimlerin hikayelerini elindeki broşürden okuyan bir gencimizi görüyorsunuz. Benim için fazlasıyla şaşırtıcıydı, insanlar hikayeleri gerçekten okudu, resimlerin önünde (sergilenme şekline rağmen) zaman geçirdi.
Skirts of the City somehow found a way to be exhibited in Bonnafanten Museum, and you'll see a youngster reading illustrations' stories from the brochure in his hands. It was quite surprising for me; I've seen that people really read those long stories, and despite its presentation, they spent some time in front of the illustrations.
Uzun zamandır buraya yeni bir şey koymadığım için kaytardığımı düşünüyor olabilirsiniz, sırf bu düşünceyi engellemek için şu minik parçayı ekliyorum...
I have not posted any new ones for a long time, I know. Just to prove that I am not being lazy, here comes a tiny spoiler from the next piece...
3 Aralık 2011 Cumartesi
13 Kasım 2011 Pazar
Nehrin kıyısına uzanmak
Blekerij, Maastricht
Ünlü müzisyen Blekerij'in kızı ve yeğeni de partideydi, onlar boy göstermekten çok nehrin kıyısına oturup içkilerini yudumlamayı tercih etmişlerdi. Birlikte çıkardıkları kendi albümleri, özellikle yeraltı indie-caz dünyasında büyük ses getirmişti, ancak bulundukları partide bundan pek haberdar olan yoktu. Zaten onlar davetli bile değildi, aslen Blekerij'in kendisinin gelmesi, ve partidekilerin şan şöhret ortalamasını arttırması bekleniyordu, ancak kendisi Amsterdam'daki konseri nedeniyle teşrif edememiş, davetli listesine kızını ve yeğenini yazdırmıştı. Belki de bizzat davetli olmadıkları için, partinin keyfini en iyi süren bu partiden hiçbir şey beklemeyen Blekerijlerdi.
The daughter and the niece of the famous musician Blekerij were also there, but instead of standing with other guests, they preferred to sit by the river and have a couple of drinks. The cousins' new album was a real success in underground indie jazz stage, but noone among the guests knew that. Actually, the cousins weren't even invited, the expected guest was Blekerij himself. Unfortunately, he couldn't come to the party and increase the mean of fame among guests, because of his concert in Amsterdam. Possibly because they were not invited, Blekerij cousins, who had no expectations, enjoyed the party most.
The daughter and the niece of the famous musician Blekerij were also there, but instead of standing with other guests, they preferred to sit by the river and have a couple of drinks. The cousins' new album was a real success in underground indie jazz stage, but noone among the guests knew that. Actually, the cousins weren't even invited, the expected guest was Blekerij himself. Unfortunately, he couldn't come to the party and increase the mean of fame among guests, because of his concert in Amsterdam. Possibly because they were not invited, Blekerij cousins, who had no expectations, enjoyed the party most.
7 Ekim 2011 Cuma
"Herkesin içinde..."
Provincie Limburg (Governance of Maas), Maastricht
Davet esnasında Bayan Limburg'un üç kızının tartışmakta olduğu gözden kaçmadı. Herkes ne olduğunu merak etse de, en küçük kardeşin bile neler olduğunu anladığı şüpheliydi. Bir kısım davetli tartışmanın miras konulu olduğunu iddia ederken, bir diğer kısım ailenin ortanca kardeşin yeni damat adayını onaylamadığını söylüyordu. Dedikodusever davetlilerden, kardeşler arasında paylaşılamayan bir erkek olduğu bile duyuluyordu. Kardeşler ise, neler olduğunu anlamak için yanlarına yaklaşıldığında susuyor, sağa sola sinirli bakışlar atıyor ve dudaklarını sıkıca büzerek on yıl sonrasının botoksuna yatırım yapıyorlardı.
Everyone was aware that three daughters of Mrs. Limburg were having an argument. The curiosity about the reason of this argument was quite strong among guests, but probably even the youngest sister did not understand the actual cause. Some guests were arguing that the subject was the heritage, and some others were saying that a new -possible- groom was not approved in the family. Gossiplovers were even claiming that there was a love triangle among two sisters and a man. On the other hand, the sisters were silent when someone got closer in order to understand what was happening. They were looking around nervously and pursing their lips; investing for their future botox.
Everyone was aware that three daughters of Mrs. Limburg were having an argument. The curiosity about the reason of this argument was quite strong among guests, but probably even the youngest sister did not understand the actual cause. Some guests were arguing that the subject was the heritage, and some others were saying that a new -possible- groom was not approved in the family. Gossiplovers were even claiming that there was a love triangle among two sisters and a man. On the other hand, the sisters were silent when someone got closer in order to understand what was happening. They were looking around nervously and pursing their lips; investing for their future botox.
20 Eylül 2011 Salı
"Bu taraftayım!"
Provincie Limburg (Governance of Maas), Maastricht
Davete ev sahipliği yapan Provincie Limburg, konuklarının gelmesinden duyduğu heyecanı gizleme ihtiyacı duymadı. Ancak konuklarını karşılarken koltuğundan hiç kalkmaması, uzun zamandır mücadele ettiği hastalığından henüz tam anlamıyla kurtulamamış olduğu şüphesini doğurdu. Snelder B.V. tasarımı elbisesi ile her zamanki tarzından ödün vermeyen Limburg, aslında zaten bu daveti, iyileştiğini daha çok kendine kanıtlamak için veriyordu.
The host of the party, Provincie Limburg, was not hiding her excitement when new guests arrived. But she never standed up in order to greet her guests, and her still position on her chair caused the suspicion that she couldn't get totally well after years of coping with the serious illness. With her dress designed by Snelder B.V., she was stylish as always, and actual reason of this party was to prove herself that she was healthy again.
16 Eylül 2011 Cuma
Partiden sıkılmak
Bonnefanten Museum, Maastricht.
Partiden fazlasıyla sıkılan ve akıllı telefonuna sarılan, muhtemelen partidekilerin giydikleriyle ilgili tweet atan Bayan Bonnefanten'in bu partiye gelmesi bile mucizeydi. Genç yaşında sosyetenin gözbebeği olmayı başarmış, her kokteyle beklenir olmuştu, ne giyeceği bütün konuklar tarafından merakla bekleniyordu. Aldo Rossi tarafından tasarlanmış kıyafetiyle oldukça iddialıydı, ancak anlaşıldığı üzere tanıdığı pek yoktu, ortamdan zerre hazzetmemişti ve neden hala ortamda boy gösterdiği bir muammaydı. Galiba sıkıntılı karizması yapmayı seviyor, ayrıca elbisesini herkesin gördüğünden emin olmak istiyordu.
Miss Bonnafanten was clearly dying of boredom, she was rescued by her smartphone, possibly by giving her the opportunity to tweet about other people's clothes. Actually, seeing Miss Bonnefanten in this party was a miracle itself; despite being young she was considered as a member of high society, she was invited to every organization, and her style was always the focus of attention. Again, she was quite glittering with her dress, designed by Aldo Rossi, but it can be seen that she didn't know anyone around, she didn't like the party, and there was a question mark about her insisting presence here. Probably she was thinking that being bored looked cool, and also she wanted to be sure that everyone had seen her magnificent dress.
Miss Bonnafanten was clearly dying of boredom, she was rescued by her smartphone, possibly by giving her the opportunity to tweet about other people's clothes. Actually, seeing Miss Bonnefanten in this party was a miracle itself; despite being young she was considered as a member of high society, she was invited to every organization, and her style was always the focus of attention. Again, she was quite glittering with her dress, designed by Aldo Rossi, but it can be seen that she didn't know anyone around, she didn't like the party, and there was a question mark about her insisting presence here. Probably she was thinking that being bored looked cool, and also she wanted to be sure that everyone had seen her magnificent dress.
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